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Shout Outs!!! (Hey Family Members, you're at the bottom!! I promise.) If I forgot anyone, then I'm sorry, I'll get back to you!

Updated :) December 3rd

"My UNCLE is in the US ARMY... and I'm Proud"

People Who Are My "Friends":

Shawna - I'm really glad you called me today, I was beginning to worry about some things. You're on your way over so we can eat, lol, and I love you. So, gonna go get ready. Yeah, Love you. ~Stoopy

Brandon- I'm so aggravatref edslfkshda GSDgf.... i'll do yours later. ~Stephani

Miranda- I'm sorry but I "can't" go with you. lol. I love you and I'm so glad we started talking and stuff and realized that we are so close.~Stupid Stephani

Colleen- My little williams, I love you so much and you are so dear to me. I know you feel "fugly" sometimes, but you're not, honestly. Even if you aren't a size 1 anymore, you are pretty damn thin and there are fatter people without kids!! lol. Besides, it's not about looks, you and I both know that. It's funny how things change but things remain the same too... and I hope our friendship will always be there. I love love love you... and I dont hate you like I hate other people I love, lol. ~Stephani Ruth

Abdoh- Oh God-- Bia! HA HA HA HA. lol. Yeha yeah yeah... whatever. I'll talk to you later too "oh im sorry, i didnt care" ~StephANI ANI ANI ANI p.s. scroll down to the pic 

Amanda- You hella pissed me off the other day, but whatever I'll talk to you later, im sorry about nick. ~Stephani Ruth P.s. I like your poems.

Whitney- Im so glad that we hung out the other day it was SO much fun. "Well at least you got to look at me" ha ha. That was great. I love you honey, call me and I'll play nintendo with you. ~Stephani Ruth p.s. "we forgot our barbie!"

Katie- I know you don't hate me and I dont hate you, but we never talk. Wish we did more often. I wish I lived in Cali. :'(! lol. Call me sometime. ~Stephani R.

Ray- Well, you're funny. lol. Parties sure just got a lot more interesting with you there. ha ha. I'll see you at work again sometime soon. ~ uh... Stephani?


20 to the 10 cubed- God damnit, you're so fucking annoying. You can talk about me and say nice things, but you can't just let me on the secret? I'm all dying cuz im tired of this and you as flsdkfj dslk a... . ok, well talk to you later or whatever... fucker, lol. ~Lil Buddy or Stephi Roo Stephi Poo (pretty pretty stepahni, thats like seven sylables)

People I Don't See As Often:

Mike Anderson- Well, I'm so glad that I got to see you again!! I love Kristen she's totally cute. Maybe a little bitter about guys, but that seems to happen to everyone but Shawna so.. lol. You guys are cute and I can tell she cares about you. You're NOT a bad guy, everyone has exes- hello! look at my roster! lol. Call me and we can keep hanging out. "I wear my sunglasses at night" lol. ~Your girl FRIEND who understands guys. p.s. you can't be mad cuz I sugar coated it for her.

Tony- Yo Yo! You're pretty damn good at pool, lol. Your girl is totally cute and I'm SO happy for you. I told you it would work out, everything happens for a reason, hun. See you around. ~Stephani R, Davids sis.

Nick- Yeah.... again not a bad guy. Everyone dumps other people. It just happens it's a fact of life, sparky. Goodluck with that whole coast guard thing or whatever. lol.

Robert- Well it's been quite some time since I actually hung out with you and had fun. I dunno though, I remember all the good times I had with you and stuff. I hope you stop smoking soon, lol. And... you're not a bad person, you and her just weren't meant to be. Besides, she makes David feel like total shit whenever shes around him too. So, maybe it's not you maybe it's her... it is her, you know.

Ryan K.- Man alive, I don't hate you! lol.

People In My Family:

Mamma Bear- It's coming tomorrow!! yes!! I miss David too, you're paranoid, so yeah. Love you. Bye.

Dad- Thanks for cooking dinner all the time, it's good even though I'm getting fat. Love you. Bye.

Carly, Shawn, and Alyssa- Yo!! Home Skillets, what the heck is up? You should  bring either those brownies with the layers and the M&Ms or the fudge squares over for Christmas. I'm feeling good about those things. Anyways, I hope this time that shot works and you guys can get preg again :) I love you all so much. And even though Alyssa, you can't read this, you're a beast. ~StephaniE Ruth

Benny bo bo boo bo - What's going on, slugger? Yeah, nothing here either. I miss David, he's stupid like me. lol. I know you do to. I hope you like your new clothes, they look good, don't EVER listen to Abdoh... I'm realizing he's completely fucking retarded!! . ~Stephani

David- Yo Hummer Breaker, lol. Dude, I'm so fucking stoked for you to come home, I'm gonna annihilate you!! Oh man... This is gonna be good, lol. Hopefully it doesn't piss you off. I'm making this awesome thing for you, when you get home, it's gonna be SICK!!! lol. Cell me later. ~ Skank

James- "UH... Keykey won't know what to do in times square" lol. "What the hell happened to his car?" HA HA. Cky fucking rocks! Dude you're so much cooler then you used to be, lol. JK... uh kinda. OK, BYE. ~ Jess, er, Krist- er, uh.. Stephani, yeah thats it! Stephani.

Randi- Maybe we can go camping agian? I liked it, I'm sorry if you think I didn't. I don't want to make coffee for you ANYMORE! lol. Jk. ha ha. It's more fun to ride with you cuz you're cooler about music and annoying games, lol. But hey, i gotta keep occupied somehow, right? lol. I love you. ~ Stephani Ruth

Jessica & Ryan- You're wedding was pretty cool- er uh, I mean romantic. Yeah.. romantic. lol. Well, good luck on those finals and stuff, That whole school thing. Can't wait to see you guys again :) Bye. ~ Small Stephani

"It's a brand new car- It's a 96!!"